Mary Conrad Senior Advisor
Office Phone: 312-396-4155
Mary has been a valued member of JLB+P for over 20 years. Her clients include leading global and US. marketers such as General Motors, U.S. Army, Sony, Levi Strauss, Walgreens,
Four Seasons Resorts and Hotels, SC Johnson, Boeing, and many others. Her background also includes account management leadership positions at advertising agencies DDB and FCB, where she worked on brands including McDonald’s, Maybelline, General Mills, Motorola, Dial, Kraft, and Quaker Oats.
Mary also brings valuable client-side marketing experience as former VP of Marketing for Peapod, the industry’s first e-commerce grocery retailer. Mary is the author of the ANA’s Insights Brief on Evaluating Agency Performance. Mary is an undergraduate and graduate school alum of Northwestern University